Murakami reading list: Books mentioned in A Wild Sheep Chase

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Matsuyama Farm in Bifuka, Hokkaido

Although none of his works is explicitly mentioned in the book, I think that Murakami dedicated this work to another Japanese writer Yukio Mishima whose suicide was mentioned on the first pages. According to critics, A Wild Sheep Chase is a rewriting or parody of Mishima’s The Adventure of Natsuko.

I came across an interesting fact that every year, Murakami fans gather in Bifuka, Hokkaido to wait for the Nobel Prize announcements hoping that the beloved author will be called. The Matsuyama Farm in the northern part of Hokkaido inspired the mythical Junitaki-cho.

Here are the book titles mentioned in A Wild Sheep Chase.

Also Read:Murakami reading list: Books mentioned in Sputnik Sweetheart

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